Non-Surgical Treatments For Lower Back Pain

Have you ever googled lower back pain treatments?

The first treatment to come up for me when I did it was drugs. Over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Commonly people with lower back pain get told to take pain meds. If that doesn’t work, they are encouraged to see a physical therapist, then receive injections, and lastly get surgery.

Sound familiar? This referral system of treatments is standard for most medical communities. These are the steps you take in the traditional process of fixing your lower back pain.

What was the first advice you got for your lower back pain? What were the first solutions offered to you? If you were lucky, then you might have been referred to an alternative treatment.

So what are the best non-surgical treatments for lower back pain? Functional rehab, meditation, cognitive behavioral therapy, yoga, chiropractic, massage, Pilates, and aromatherapy. These solutions are relatively inexpensive, easy to access, have almost no side effects, and are very effective.

In this post, I want to show you how you can break out of this traditional process of treating lower back pain. Most pain meds, injections, and surgeries don’t bring lasting pain relief. Physical therapy is a gamble. If the therapists are skilled, then maybe they can help. But those treatments in the traditional process are what I call “high fruit treatments.” Let me explain.

I used to have several fruit trees in my backyard. I would frequently go out to pick the lemons and oranges. I only needed to pick a few at a time. I am not a farmer who needs to pick the whole tree for harvest. I only picked what I needed. I would start with the low-hanging fruit.

When those ran out I would get a fruit picking pole and get the higher ones. Those higher fruits were difficult to get. Sometimes when I yanked on the pole to break off the fruit, it would shake the branch and some spiders would fall on me. Eck.

Your treatment plan should follow the same strategy as my fruit picking. You don’t need to pick every fruit or every treatment. You don’t have to try everything. You only need to find what fixes your issue. Start with the cheap, easy, and low-side effect treatments. Low hanging fruit. Pain meds, injections and surgery can be expensive, have side effects to your health and unfortunately be ineffective. Why start there?

Most lower back pain is caused by workplace stress, sitting too much and not enough exercise. Why not start by taking some days off work, stretching more, and sitting less? It’s rare for anyone to try these methods first because your doctor will rarely recommend these low-hanging fruit options. Either they don’t know about them, don’t think they work, are afraid of being labeled a quack, or don’t want to lose your insurance money.

Please don’t imagine I am saying all doctors are unintelligent or corrupt. I know personally how amazing doctors can be. But I think the traditional process for treating lower back pain is ineffective. It’s outdated. Needs an update. So I am here to inform you about what you can do. In case you didn’t know about the better options for you. You are in control of your treatment options and your body. You can decide what you do to fix your pain.

Will you choose low-hanging fruit or the high and difficult options? Your call.

If you decide you want low-hanging fruit, then keep exploring this website. Because I have plenty of resources for you.